Capturing the videos are many types done by experts and normal people. Some people have the habit of making videos of funny. is the website related to the funny clips. These recorded clips of video can be shared. Sharing in the sensor using internet services this can be done. Fastest means of sharing the videos can be processed are media of social. The procedure for making a funny video can be fun. This is the way for passing the time by the people. Also, earn money with these videos by uploading into social networking sites. Makers will procedure to plan the taking of the video for helping. The concept of these videos can be jokes, themed and etc. There will be a series of comedy, and it is continuous. After completion of making videos, they can upload the video to the website. The act should be humorous could be helped in the resonating the jokes. So that  maximum number of likes and comments can be attained. For attaining this few things needs to understand by the maker. Compilation of the videos which are humorous and happens suddenly. The reaction is given by the audience to that sudden expression.

Used for maximum sharing of the video and it will become viral. The level of the base for the situations of humorous arises for believing. Happens in many ways which turn out completely in the way of different. Situations can be planned in the video of funny. Whatever leads to the conclusion of one. Other kinds of funny videos are don’t comprise of any conclusions. They are continuous with multiple clips of videos.

Scripts used for recording the video of funny sometimes fails:

By applying the rules for the compilation of video related to fun. By following these tips while making the scripts, it will be successful. Just similar to the situations of un-expected arises in humor. Used for the establishment of the several patterns which are broken. It is better to produce scenes of the same ideas as two. To present in a similar way and adds up the content needed. Some  times few compilations can be failed like hiding at the back doors. Situations of relatable with the patterns of humor. Funny, successful videos used are based on the mindset of people. Mainly two things have to keep in mind. They are an audience can be targeted and script written by experts. Situations subject to write about the funny based on their community. So that the people can feel the comedy in it which can be authentic. Usage of either similes and metaphors for the creation of dialogue. Comparing the videos often used in making itself the caricature. Concept and taking the videos are important for the video to execute successfully. Or else the concerned videos subjected to failure.

Not only the videos of compiled good are uploaded. But also these failed videos while compiling can be uploaded. There will be a separate website for that. To view the failed videos while making the videos of pranks and fun. For this idea equipment needed are a webcam, recorder of the video, camera and a smartphone. The adopted camera should be a high resolution to get the best quality video. There will be films available in the market to distinguish the picture clarity.