The classified UK Ads :

The different classified sites that are accepting of affiliate marketing offers a lot of times. When you try to post classified uk ads , they don’t want your affiliate links, and you know, good luck trying to post affiliate links on Craigslist. If you know, you might work for a little while, and then they ban you; it’s happened to so many people. So you must they’ll look for some places where they accept those types of UK ads, and fortunately, there are, and they’ve been creating sites to fit. That market now one of these is the free ad forum com about days which is excellent, and you can use HTML. If you can do clickable links, you can also upgrade your ad for 5 dollars.

uk ads

You can upgrade your ad every year, and it’ll stay alive for a year. It’s ten dollars; you have to correct this, and then you can upgrade for another five dollars, and it rotates on the site’s front page. This is an excellent site because it gets traffic and a lot of views, and the way you can see this is that the actual ads get views. So here’s the free ad forum you can see now if you upgrade your ad for five dollars. This is the site’s first page if you get your ad rotated here on the side. So it gets good traffic, and here is a sample of some ads you can get an idea.

The UK ads are getting views, and you can see because there’s a hit counter here. Now, this one’s getting a lot of views; not all of them get a lot of views. That many views, but they all get views, so your ads are getting views which is the most important thing because there are sites with more traffic than this site. It looks like it gets a lot of traffic, but there are sites to get way more, but they bury your ads and don’t let you do many things the site does.

Classified UK Ads on YouTube :

So, for example, you could embed your YouTube video here, and that’s a great tool. Because the more embeds you have of your YouTube video, the higher it ranks, and that’s a criterion. That YouTube used to rank videos, so the more places you can have your YouTube video embedded, the better Plus, people get to see your video, and it makes a real career pleasant, adding you could put up to three pictures here. If you can use HTML, see this is an HTML ad, and you click here, it will go automatically to the person’s website; here is a clickable link they created for you. The link was created on the free ad form.

So you see, even if you don’t know anything about HTML, you do a regular straight-text ad. You just put it on your website when you submit your ad; when people click here, it will automatically create this link for you. If you don’t have to know any HTML, but if you have an HTML add HTML ad, you can use it too, so that’s good. You can use your affiliate link if you need to learn how to do HTML and just put it on your website. It’s a great idea to get your domain name.