Nothing is more frustrating than having blocked drains! As one of the most common issues in residential and commercial properties alike, it can oftentimes seem like a herculean task to tackle. That said, all hope is not lost! With the right techniques and tools, you can get your clogged drain flowing freely and efficiently once more.visit website

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Identifying the Type of Clog

Before you can begin to tackle the issue of blocked drains, you must first identify the type of clog at hand. Most particularly, this means determining whether the obstruction is located within the pipes themselves, or their fixtures, such as the sink stopper. In addition to this, if the blockage is present within the actual piping system, you’ll need to determine the exact material that is causing the stoppage.

Upon identification, you can then proceed to begin trying to restore the unobstructed flow of water and waste materials. Depending on the severity of the clog, this may require manual intervention or some form of mechanical device.

Using a Plunger

A plunger is often a plumbers’ go-to item for dealing with minor kitchen and bathroom sinks. While these are quite effective in resolving smaller blockages, once the situation worsens they become increasingly less helpful. However, if the clog is relatively minor, they can work wonders!

To use a plunger, ensure a tight seal around the mouth of the sink and pump the plunger vigorously up and down several times. If done correctly, you should be able to hear a release of pressure as the plunger begins to break up the blockage. It will take several attempts for larger clogs, however, before you notice any changes to the water flow.

Dealing With Difficult Blockages

For more challenging clogs, it may be necessary to break out the mechanicals. Purchasable from most hardware stores, these tools provide a far greater degree of power and force when attempting to resolve a clog. Some popular choices include plumbing snakes, closet augers and drum augers.

Plumbing snakes and closet augers work in a similar fashion, using a long, cylindrical piece of metal hose to reach deep into the piping system of the blocked drain. These tools offer tremendous flexibility, enabling them to access even the most difficult-to-reach clogs. Once placed inside the pipe, the tool is then fed further down until it reaches the obstruction, whereupon it can be manipulated until the blockage has been loosened.

Have a Professional Check the Drains

Sometimes, though, tackling a blocked drain is an endeavour beyond the scope of DIY methods. If you’ve tried numerous approaches, yet the clog still remains stubbornly in place, it may be time to call in a professional. The experienced team at visit website has helped countless clients find a solution to their blocked drain woes – just contact us today to see how we can help.

If you’ve identified the source of the problem, it may be possible to buy the necessary equipment from your local store. However, for a complete diagnosis and expert troubleshooting, our specialists are second-to-none. We can perform a comprehensive assessment of your drainage system to ascertain the current condition of the pipes, and recommend potential solutions.

Maintaining Your Drains

Of course, prevention is always better than cure. To keep your drainage system functioning happily and healthily for years to come, there are certain steps you can take:

  • Ensure all food items are binned and not flushed down the toilet;
  • Install fine mesh strainers in the sink, shower and bath tub in order to prevent any solid matter from entering the drain;
  • Use chemical cleaners occasionally to help maintain the integrity of your plumbing and reduce build-up over time; and
  • Don’t pour grease or fat down the sink, as this is a surefire way of blocking a drain quickly.

Blocked drains don’t have to be a nightmarish experience. Armed with the right knowledge and expertise, any homeowner can easily manage the issue and keep their home running smoothly. For more information on clearing blocked drains, or to enquire about our services, visit website today – we’re here to help!