3 flow drainage is an important factor when it comes to keeping our drains clear. It’s basically when water from a single source can flow freely, without any obstruction or back up in the pipe. Whenever this isn’t achieved, blocked drains are usually the culprit.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

Blocked drains occur because of many different causes. Tree roots breaking into pipes, foreign objects such as sanitary products entering the drain and even fat or oil build-up are all common reasons. Anything that interferes with the 3 flow drainage system can result in blockages and can lead to more serious damage if not dealt with quickly.

Signs You Have Blocked Drains

If you are unsure whether you have a blocked drain, keep an eye out for signs like strange odours, slow draining sinks, overflowing toilets, wet patches in your garden or yard, gurgling noises in your pipes, and even flooding. If you start to see any of these indications, it’s time to contact a qualified plumbing specialist right away.

3 flow drainage

Keeping Drains Clear

If you want to keep your drains clear, there are some simple things you can do. Make sure to be mindful of what you dispose of into your sink – avoid pouring cooking fats and oils down the sink, as they will solidify in your pipes and create blockages. Likewise, try to ensure that any hair is rinsed away and doesn’t end up blocking the drain. And if you are putting anything other than tissue paper into the toilet, it should come as no surprise that flushing items such as cotton buds and nappies is a recipe for disaster.

Dealing with Blocked Drains Efficiently

When it comes to clearing blocked drains efficiently, a qualified professional is always best. A qualified plumber will often use equipment such as root cutters, sewer rods, CCTV surveying, high pressure water jetting, chemical treatments, and more – depending on the severity of the blockage.

Using specialist knowledge and the latest technology allows them to get to the source of the blockage and deal with it quickly and effectively, preventing further damage to your property and saving you time and money.

The Risks of Delaying Blockage Removal

In addition to the inconvenience caused by blocked drains, there are a few potential risks associated with leaving a blockage unresolved for too long. For example, if left unchecked, common blockages can cause the buildup of bacteria, which can then spread to toilets and other areas in the home. Likewise, neglected tree roots can break through the pipe and cause costly structural damage.

Solving Blocked Drain Issues

If you suspect that your drains may be blocked, it’s always best to contact a professional as soon as possible. Reliable plumbers with the relevant expertise and experience can help identify the cause of the blockage and recommend the best course of action. In doing so they can help to reduce any damage to the pipes, minimise the risk of contamination and prevent flooding.

The importance of 3 flow drainage cannot be overstated – acting promptly when it comes to blocked drains is essential to avoid further damage to your property and quickly return the system to normal.